Saturday, March 21, 2009

The discipline of thought

Try to make things happen. Or must make things happen. The will necessary to will ourselves forward. Let's do this thing.

We watched and listened and laughed at the O.M. group from Bay Lane and were so proud of the way they all performed their 'solution'. The next generation will be just fine in spite of all our concerns to the contrary.
They have short attention spans
So what, they'll figure out how to work through that challenge. Perhaps their work will be more rewarding for them and in smaller chunks of time. When they solve a problem, it will be on a smaller scale. No world peace but perhaps a better car, or a cell phone that uses less energy or batteries that last a long time before recharging. They won't think everything is an issue of magnitude or worldly proportion. Not a small deal but perhaps taking less energy and staying local where the real live - where they live, text, and network. Their connections: texting, social networking, twittering, all seem removed and impersonal to us non-tech-of-the-moment, but they understand how to connect in a seemingly unconnected world. I appreciate their new world and all its promise. I especially enjoy the way they take value in their connections - this post 9/11 generation. They'll be just fine. They'll make things happen, however seemingly insignificant.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yeah I know...blogging is fairly cliche now but hey, we go forward in life and one never quite knows for sure when the no means know, or knowing is actually no-ing... and if we follow through on these things we might just accomplish a little something.

My wife and I will celebrate 21 years on thursday the 29th of Nov. I believe mostly that she puts up with an awful lot in me but hey,we go forward in life and...

She has raised some pretty great kids and they just burst with life. I can't stand not seeing them daily. They make me laugh. -Long live the laughter.

Thoughts per day is my goal...

Talk at you tomorrow.